Type-2 Diabetes and Gout alcohol arthritis diet fatty liver fructose glucose glycogen gout high-fructose corn syrup insulin resistance kidneys medications obesity purines sugar type-2 diabetes uric acid Aug 31, 2024

Gout currently affects about 9 million adults in the U.S., making it one of the less common chronic diseases today. But the condition has dogged the human race for a long time.1,2 

It’s been observed in 4,000-year-old mummies from Egypt.2 

And it seems to have been first...

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Beat the Holiday Blues alcohol anxiety ashwagandha blood glucose carbohydrates depression dopamine gut microbiome herbal supplements holiday blues holidays insulin resistance leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses prebiotics probiotics rhodiola seasonal affective disorder serotonin st. john's wort supplements Dec 02, 2023

Catchy jingles played on repeat. Smiling people in commercials. Festive decorations everywhere. Magazine-worthy dinner spreads. These hallmarks evoke the joy associated with the holiday season. 

Unfortunately though, not everyone feels happy during the holidays. In fact, 64 percent of people...

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Does Eating Turkey Make You Sleepy? alcohol animal protein carbohydrates holidays melatonin serotonin sleep thanksgiving tryptophan turkey Nov 11, 2023

On the fourth Thursday of November, people all over the United States gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving. Together, they feast on a wide array of classic dishes. Once they’ve filled themselves to the brim, they lie down on the couch — only to fall asleep before they know...

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Diet and Chronic Inflammation acute inflammation alcohol anti-inflammatory diet antioxidants c-reactive protein carbohydrates cardiovascular health chronic disease chronic inflammation cooking methods cytokines diabetes elimination diet fried foods inflammation inflammatory markers leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses obesity pro-inflammatory diet stroke trans fats vegetable oils Oct 21, 2023

In the United States, six in 10 adults have a chronic disease, while four in 10 have two or more. Chronic health conditions include heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. Mental disorders like depression and anxiety fall into the same category. Such persistent illnesses...

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