Beat the Holiday Blues alcohol anxiety ashwagandha blood glucose carbohydrates depression dopamine gut microbiome herbal supplements holiday blues holidays insulin resistance leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses prebiotics probiotics rhodiola seasonal affective disorder serotonin st. john's wort supplements Dec 02, 2023

Catchy jingles played on repeat. Smiling people in commercials. Festive decorations everywhere. Magazine-worthy dinner spreads. These hallmarks evoke the joy associated with the holiday season. 

Unfortunately though, not everyone feels happy during the holidays. In fact, 64 percent of people...

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How Does Diet Affect Anxiety? anti-inflammatory diet antioxidants anxiety ashwagandha carbohydrates cortisol diet fiber glycemic index gut microbiome immune system inflammation insulin leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses pro-inflammatory diet probiotics rhodiola sodium stress supplements vegetable oils Aug 26, 2023

In the U.S., anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults yearly. This makes them the most common mental illness in the country.1 People with anxiety disorders often have other conditions like depression, alcoholism, and drug abuse.2 Socially, they may have a hard time forming relationships....

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