Does T2D Cause Depression? blood glucose depression diabetes dopamine elimination diet insulin insulin resistance serotonin tryptophan type-2 diabetes tyrosine Aug 03, 2024

Did you know that the link between diabetes and depression had been described as early as the 17th century?1 

Back then, English doctor Thomas Willis — one of the pioneers of diabetes research — wrote that “significant life stress, sadness, or long sorrow” made people...

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Winter Superfoods for Holiday Health amino acids animal protein anti-inflammatory diet anxiety arthritis b vitamins bone broth citrus fruits colds collagen depression dopamine eczema flu holidays immunity joint health leafy green vegetables magnesium psoriasis serotonin skin health tryptophan tyrosine vitamin a vitamin c vitamin d winter Dec 09, 2023

Ready or not, winter’s here.

And it comes with short daylight hours and chilly weather — conditions that can make people feel down and sluggish. 

Also, winter can worsen some health problems, including arthritis, skin dryness, psoriasis, and eczema.

Many people react to the...

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Beat the Holiday Blues alcohol anxiety ashwagandha blood glucose carbohydrates depression dopamine gut microbiome herbal supplements holiday blues holidays insulin resistance leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses prebiotics probiotics rhodiola seasonal affective disorder serotonin st. john's wort supplements Dec 02, 2023

Catchy jingles played on repeat. Smiling people in commercials. Festive decorations everywhere. Magazine-worthy dinner spreads. These hallmarks evoke the joy associated with the holiday season. 

Unfortunately though, not everyone feels happy during the holidays. In fact, 64 percent of people...

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Does Eating Turkey Make You Sleepy? alcohol animal protein carbohydrates holidays melatonin serotonin sleep thanksgiving tryptophan turkey Nov 11, 2023

On the fourth Thursday of November, people all over the United States gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving. Together, they feast on a wide array of classic dishes. Once they’ve filled themselves to the brim, they lie down on the couch — only to fall asleep before they know...

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What You Should Know About Migraine adenosine aspartame auras brain caffeine cgrp elimination diet estrogen headache hormones migraine migraine triggers monosodium glutamate nervous system nitrates nitric oxide serotonin stress trigeminovascular system tyramine Sep 23, 2023

Migraine is more than just a headache. Its a complex brain disorder thats often inherited in families.1 

Migraine is the worlds third most common disease. Its also one of the 10 most disabling illnesses globally. In the U.S. alone, it affects more than 37 million...

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The Role of Diet in Depression anti-inflammatory diet antioxidants carbohydrates depression dopamine dysbiosis food additives glucose glycemic index gut microbiome inflammation insulin insulin resistance magnesium mental disorders mental health mental illnesses pro-inflammatory diet serotonin zinc Sep 09, 2023

In the U.S., 29 percent of adults say they have been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives.1 Factors that contribute to this mental disorder include genes and brain chemistry. Life events, drug abuse, and certain medical conditions can make people depressed too.2 Though...

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When Is Snoring a Problem? aging cardiovascular health confidence cortisol couples diabetes erectile dysfunction family relationships health high blood pressure hormones intimacy menopause mental health obstructive sleep apnea serotonin snoring stroke testosterone Jun 10, 2023

Snorers are often the target of jokes.1 But snoring is one of the symptoms of a disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In OSA, the collapse of the airway stops the flow of air into the lungs and lowers blood oxygen levels. This leads to abnormal breathing and frequent awakenings during...

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