Does T2D Cause Depression? blood glucose depression diabetes dopamine elimination diet insulin insulin resistance serotonin tryptophan type-2 diabetes tyrosine Aug 03, 2024

Did you know that the link between diabetes and depression had been described as early as the 17th century?1 

Back then, English doctor Thomas Willis — one of the pioneers of diabetes research — wrote that “significant life stress, sadness, or long sorrow” made people...

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Winter Superfoods for Holiday Health amino acids animal protein anti-inflammatory diet anxiety arthritis b vitamins bone broth citrus fruits colds collagen depression dopamine eczema flu holidays immunity joint health leafy green vegetables magnesium psoriasis serotonin skin health tryptophan tyrosine vitamin a vitamin c vitamin d winter Dec 09, 2023

Ready or not, winter’s here.

And it comes with short daylight hours and chilly weather — conditions that can make people feel down and sluggish. 

Also, winter can worsen some health problems, including arthritis, skin dryness, psoriasis, and eczema.

Many people react to the...

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