Diet and Rheumatoid Arthritis anti-inflammatory diet autoimmunity bone health casein chronic inflammation cytokines dairy elimination diets immune system joint health rheumatoid arthritis Sep 07, 2024

If you’re experiencing pain in both wrists and hands, or you’re struggling to move in the morning because of stiff or painful knees, ankles or feet, you may have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) — a condition that affects 1.3 million adults in the U.S.1,2 

If you do have RA,...

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Winter Superfoods for Holiday Health amino acids animal protein anti-inflammatory diet anxiety arthritis b vitamins bone broth citrus fruits colds collagen depression dopamine eczema flu holidays immunity joint health leafy green vegetables magnesium psoriasis serotonin skin health tryptophan tyrosine vitamin a vitamin c vitamin d winter Dec 09, 2023

Ready or not, winter’s here.

And it comes with short daylight hours and chilly weather — conditions that can make people feel down and sluggish. 

Also, winter can worsen some health problems, including arthritis, skin dryness, psoriasis, and eczema.

Many people react to the...

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