Does T2D Cause Anxiety? adrenaline anxiety anxiety disorder blood glucose brain cortisol cytokines elimination diet fight-or-flight response hpa axis hyperglycemia hypoglycemia inflammation insulin insulin resistance mitochondrial dysfunction stress sympathetic nervous system type-2 diabetes Jul 20, 2024

Diabetic and anxious all the time? That’s not just a coincidence.

Studies show that around 40 percent of people with diabetes suffer from anxiety.1 

One in six people with type-2 diabetes (T2D) experience moderate to severe anxiety symptoms — a sign of an anxiety disorder.2 ...

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What You Should Know About Migraine adenosine aspartame auras brain caffeine cgrp elimination diet estrogen headache hormones migraine migraine triggers monosodium glutamate nervous system nitrates nitric oxide serotonin stress trigeminovascular system tyramine Sep 23, 2023

Migraine is more than just a headache. Its a complex brain disorder thats often inherited in families.1 

Migraine is the worlds third most common disease. Its also one of the 10 most disabling illnesses globally. In the U.S. alone, it affects more than 37 million...

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