Managing Stress During the Holidays adrenaline alcohol anxiety ashwagandha blood glucose caffeine chronic inflammation cortisol deep breathing depression endorphins fight-or-flight response glycemic index heart disease herbal supplements high blood pressure hobbies holidays insulin journaling meditation mindfulness mood disorder parasympathetic nervous system potassium refined sugars rhodiola sodium stress stress management sympathetic nervous system tai chi yoga Nov 23, 2024

The holidays: a time for peace on Earth … and inner turmoil. 

A survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) shows that almost 9 out 10 U.S. adults feel stressed during the holidays. Their common concerns include a lack of money, longing for absent loved ones, and family...

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What You Should Know About Migraine adenosine aspartame auras brain caffeine cgrp elimination diet estrogen headache hormones migraine migraine triggers monosodium glutamate nervous system nitrates nitric oxide serotonin stress trigeminovascular system tyramine Sep 23, 2023

Migraine is more than just a headache. Its a complex brain disorder thats often inherited in families.1 

Migraine is the worlds third most common disease. Its also one of the 10 most disabling illnesses globally. In the U.S. alone, it affects more than 37 million...

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Why are Food Intolerances Increasing? caffeine elimination diets fodmaps food intolerances genetically modified organisms glyphosate gmos gut microbiome histamine lactose pesticides roundup salicylates shikimate pathway Jul 22, 2023

According to a study done from 1991 to 1994, food intolerances affected around 12 percent of the population.1 But more recent surveys suggest that number could be as high as 25 percent today.2 In this article, we'll cover the following topics to discover why food intolerances are on the rise:

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