What is Metabolic Syndrome? abdominal obesity basic metabolic panel blood glucose blood pressure cholesterol diabetes diet fasting plasma glucose test fatty liver fructose glucose hdl heart disease high blood pressure high-fructose corn syrup insulin insulin resistance lifestyle changes lipid panel metabolic syndrome potassium sodium stroke sympathetic nervous system triglycerides type-2 diabetes vldl Jun 15, 2024

In the U.S., around one-third of adults have metabolic syndrome.1 Could you be one of them?

It’s important to find out if you have metabolic syndrome, given the many health complications it comes with. Here’s what you need to know:

  • What exactly is metabolic syndrome?
  • What are the...
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High Triglycerides and Type-2 Diabetes abdominal obesity blood glucose blood type cholesterol coronary artery disease diet fat fatty liver fructose glucose glycogen hdl heart disease high blood pressure high-fructose corn syrup insulin resistance lifestyle changes metabolic syndrome plaque triglycerides type-2 diabetes vldl May 18, 2024

If you’re like most people, you’ve heard your doctor mention “triglycerides” when discussing your blood work.

But what exactly are triglycerides, and how do they relate to your health?

This article will answer these questions, and more:

  • What are triglycerides?
  • Relation...
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High Cholesterol and Type-2 Diabetes blood type cholesterol clotting factors coronary artery disease fatty acids fatty liver fructose glycogen hdl heart attack heart disease high-fructose corn syrup insulin resistance ldl red meat stroke type-2 diabetes May 04, 2024

Heart disease is all too common. It’s the top killer disease for all genders across most racial groups in the U.S. In fact, it’s behind 1 in every 5 deaths in the country.1

It puts a huge drain on the economy too. It costs around 240 billion U.S. dollars per year — including...

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The Best Treatment for Type-2 Diabetes bariatric surgery blood glucose calorie-restricted diet carbohydrates diabetes elimination diet endorphins exercise fructose glucagon glycogen heart disease hormones insulin insulin resistance intermittent fasting kidney disease lifestyle changes low-carb diet medication obesity oral hypoglycemics pancreas physical activity side effects stroke weight loss Feb 02, 2024

Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic condition in which your cells have lost the ability to respond to the hormone called insulin. Plus, your pancreas has become dysfunctional so that it doesn’t produce as much insulin as it should.1 

The result is consistently high levels of glucose...

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What is the Glycemic Index? age-related macular degeneration animal protein anxiety blood glucose cancer carbohydrates cardiovascular health chronic inflammation cytokines depression diabetes elimination diet fats fiber fruits glucose glycemic index grains heart disease mental health obesity oils pasta pro-inflammatory diet vegetables weight loss Nov 04, 2023

Have you ever tried to shed pounds or be healthier by skipping carbohydrates? If you have, you’re not alone. After all, popular diets have long tied carb intake to weight gain and other health issues.1 

In fact, not all carbs are created equal. Some of them make your blood sugar levels...

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Can Testosterone Cause Snoring? aging aromatase aromatase inhibitors estrogen heart disease hormone pellet therapy hormone replacement therapy sex hormones sex steroid hormones sleep sleep apnea sleep-disordered breathing snoring soy elimination diet soy-free diet testosterone testosterone replacement therapy May 13, 2023

Testosterone is a sex steroid hormone in males and females. It is produced by males' testicles and females' ovaries. However, testosterone levels in adult men are around seven to eight times greater than the hormone's levels in adult women.1 Testosterone is responsible for the development of...

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Is Soy a Healthy Food? endocrine disruptors genetically modified soybeans heart disease isoflavones linoleic acid phytoestrogens saturated fats soy soy elimination diet soy lecithin soy protein soybean oil thyroid gland unsaturated fats vegetable oils Apr 01, 2023

Soy is a controversial food item. On the one hand, soy-based foods are thought to be healthy. This is because they are common ingredients in plant-based diets, which are linked to several health benefits.1,2 On the other hand, other studies have raised concerns about the negative effects of...

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Can Snoring Be Dangerous to Your Health? aging diabetes heart disease high blood pressure menopause snoring stroke Feb 04, 2023

Snoring can be embarrassing. It can make you worried about sleeping, especially when you are at someone else’s home or while you are on a trip. It can even make your intimate relationship with your spouse or partner suffer. Worst of all, multiple studies have shown that snoring increases...

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