Sleep Apnea and Allergies allergic rhinitis allergies histamine holidays immune system inflammation leukotriene modifiers nasal congestion nasal corticosteroids obstructive sleep apnea side effects snoring Nov 02, 2024

In the U.S., over 100 million people experience allergies yearly. That means for every three adults, one winds up sneezing, sniffling, or having a more adverse reaction when exposed to a certain substance in the environment.1 

Although allergies are extremely common, they’re not the...

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Does CPAP Really Work for Sleep Apnea? alcohol cardiovascular health cognitive function cpap elimination diets gerd heart disease high blood pressure inflammation myofunctional therapy obstructive sleep apnea oral appliances side effects side sleepers sleep apnea snoring stroke surgery weight loss Sep 28, 2024

Roughly 8 million people — including President Joe Biden — use a CPAP machine in the U.S.1 

CPAP, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure, is the “gold-standard” treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a condition in which your breathing stops...

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The Best Treatment for Type-2 Diabetes bariatric surgery blood glucose calorie-restricted diet carbohydrates diabetes elimination diet endorphins exercise fructose glucagon glycogen heart disease hormones insulin insulin resistance intermittent fasting kidney disease lifestyle changes low-carb diet medication obesity oral hypoglycemics pancreas physical activity side effects stroke weight loss Feb 02, 2024

Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic condition in which your cells have lost the ability to respond to the hormone called insulin. Plus, your pancreas has become dysfunctional so that it doesn’t produce as much insulin as it should.1 

The result is consistently high levels of glucose...

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