Should You Use a Low-Carb Diet for Weight Loss? atkins diet carbohydrates carnivore diet elimination diet fats glucose ketogenic diet ketosis low-carb diet paleo diet processed foods protein weight loss whole foods Jan 25, 2025

Are you among the millions of Americans who planned to start a diet in 2025? Almost half of all U.S. adults did, according to a survey by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Among the respondents, 26 percent preferred low-carb diets like Atkins and keto.1 

Cutting down on...

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New Year, New You: Are Detox Diets The Answer? colon detox diets elimination diets food sensitivities herbal supplements liver new year skin toxins weight loss Jan 11, 2025

Google Trends shows a huge spike in searches for “New Year detox” every January — and this year is no exception.1 It seems worldwide, millions of people collectively feel the need for a health reset after holiday overindulgence. But just what is a detox, and how effective is it?...

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Does CPAP Really Work for Sleep Apnea? alcohol cardiovascular health cognitive function cpap elimination diets gerd heart disease high blood pressure inflammation myofunctional therapy obstructive sleep apnea oral appliances side effects side sleepers sleep apnea snoring stroke surgery weight loss Sep 28, 2024

Roughly 8 million people — including President Joe Biden — use a CPAP machine in the U.S.1 

CPAP, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure, is the “gold-standard” treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a condition in which your breathing stops...

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The Best Treatment for Type-2 Diabetes bariatric surgery blood glucose calorie-restricted diet carbohydrates diabetes elimination diet endorphins exercise fructose glucagon glycogen heart disease hormones insulin insulin resistance intermittent fasting kidney disease lifestyle changes low-carb diet medication obesity oral hypoglycemics pancreas physical activity side effects stroke weight loss Feb 02, 2024

Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic condition in which your cells have lost the ability to respond to the hormone called insulin. Plus, your pancreas has become dysfunctional so that it doesn’t produce as much insulin as it should.1 

The result is consistently high levels of glucose...

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What is the Glycemic Index? age-related macular degeneration animal protein anxiety blood glucose cancer carbohydrates cardiovascular health chronic inflammation cytokines depression diabetes elimination diet fats fiber fruits glucose glycemic index grains heart disease mental health obesity oils pasta pro-inflammatory diet vegetables weight loss Nov 04, 2023

Have you ever tried to shed pounds or be healthier by skipping carbohydrates? If you have, you’re not alone. After all, popular diets have long tied carb intake to weight gain and other health issues.1 

In fact, not all carbs are created equal. Some of them make your blood sugar levels...

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Why Most Snoring Remedies Don't Work bariatric surgery cpap diet elimination diet estrogen exercise laser therapy mandibular advancement devices nasal clips nasal strips obstructive sleep apnea over-the-counter devices snoring surgery weight loss May 27, 2023

In the United States, between 50 million to 70 million people suffer from decreased quality of life because of sleep disorders. These conditions include snoring, which is also usually a sign of other health issues. This explains why the anti-snoring industry in the country was worth 1 billion...

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The Best Solution to Snoring airways anti-snoring pillows chin straps cpap elimination diet estrogen nasal clips sex steroid hormones side sleepers sleep sleep devices smooth muscle tissue smooth muscle tone snoring surgery weight loss Mar 25, 2023

Various problems come with snoring. Many snorers complain that they cannot feel well rested even after sleep. Often though, snoring is more stressful for the bed partners than for the snorers. The noise prevents the partners from sleeping and may push them to a different room, thus impairing...

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