Do Anti-Inflammatory Diets Work? anti-inflammatory diet chronic disease chronic inflammation elimination diet gluten-free diet macrobiotic diet mediterranean diet whole30 diet Feb 08, 2025

Did you know that six in 10 Americans suffer from chronic diseases? These health conditions — which last at least a year and require continuous medical care — are the top causes of disability and death in the country. They’re a massive drain on the U.S. healthcare system,...

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Why is the Microbiome Important? antibiotics anxiety autism bacteria carbohydrates celiac disease chronic disease dementia depression diabetes dysbiosis eczema elimination diet food additives food allergens gastrointestinal tract gut-brain axis immunity irritable bowel syndrome leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses metabolism microbiome nutrition obesity prebiotics probiotics rheumatoid arthritis supplements viruses Oct 28, 2023

You’ve probably heard that yogurt and kimchi are good for you. Or maybe youve had diarrhea while taking amoxicillin. But how do fermented foods benefit health, while antibiotics cause side effects? The answer has to do with your gut microbiome. In this article, we’ll explore:

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Diet and Chronic Inflammation acute inflammation alcohol anti-inflammatory diet antioxidants c-reactive protein carbohydrates cardiovascular health chronic disease chronic inflammation cooking methods cytokines diabetes elimination diet fried foods inflammation inflammatory markers leaky gut mental disorders mental health mental illnesses obesity pro-inflammatory diet stroke trans fats vegetable oils Oct 21, 2023

In the United States, six in 10 adults have a chronic disease, while four in 10 have two or more. Chronic health conditions include heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. Mental disorders like depression and anxiety fall into the same category. Such persistent illnesses...

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