New Year, New You: Are Detox Diets The Answer?
Jan 11, 2025
Google Trends shows a huge spike in searches for “New Year detox” every January — and this year is no exception.1 It seems worldwide, millions of people collectively feel the need for a health reset after holiday overindulgence. But just what is a detox, and how effective is it? Let’s do a deep dive into this trending topic:
- What’s a detox?
- Reasons to use a detox protocol
- Side effects and safety issues
- Balancing toxins in and out
What’s a detox?
“Detoxes” or “cleanses” are short-term dietary regimens geared towards removing toxins from your body.2
The harmful substances known as toxins come in two main forms. Some toxins are byproducts made by your body. Examples are lactic acid, urea, and feces. Other toxins come from the environment. They include chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides. Of the two, environmental toxins are of greatest concern. These toxins are found in our food, water, air, cosmetics, and cleaning products, just to name a few.3
Detoxes or cleanses vary in duration and intensity. But most of them fall into one of three types: liquid cleanses, liver detoxes, and colon cleanses.2,4
Liquid cleanses restrict your diet to juices, smoothies, or soups. These options are typically prepackaged, or they’re prepared based on specific recipes. While fruits and vegetables are the main ingredients for the liquids, nuts or protein powder can be used for soups and smoothies. Plus, some liquid cleanses may include herbal supplements.4
Liver detoxes often involve taking a suite of over-the-counter products with ingredients that promote liver health and function. Green tea, milk thistle, and turmeric are examples of such liver-friendly supplements.4
Lastly, colon cleanses use laxatives, enemas, or natural herbs to expel wastes from your colon. By eliminating waste buildup, these detoxes can help keep toxins and unhealthy microbes from accumulating in your digestive system.4
Reasons to use a detox protocol
When done correctly, a detox or cleansing protocol can be highly beneficial. For one, it may boost your intake of vitamins and minerals, especially if your cleanse involves various fruits and veggies.4
Liquid detoxes also tend to make you consume more water. Water plays a vital role in many of your body’s functions, from digestion to oxygen transport to temperature control.4,5
What’s more, due to the restrictive nature of most cleansing protocols, you’ll be avoiding sugar, processed foods, alcoholic drinks, and other unhealthy foods throughout your cleanse. As a result, you’ll automatically be staying away from these dietary toxins. Rather than reintroducing them when you’re done with your cleanse, you could just continue to skip them most of the time.2,4
Plus, a liquid detox can help in the process of discovering food sensitivities. Many people find themselves feeling better after they’ve eliminated certain foods from their diet. At the end of your cleanse, you can add foods back one at a time to see how you feel. If any prior unpleasant symptoms return, it’s likely you’ve identified a food sensitivity.4
Finally, a liquid cleanse may even help you jumpstart the weight-loss process, if that’s one of your New Year goals. Liquid cleanses are preferred over other methods of short-term calorie restriction because you remain hydrated throughout the cleansing process.2,4
Side effects and safety issues
One major downside of detoxes is they can be highly restrictive and thus difficult to follow without help. With limited adherence comes limited results.4,6
Detoxes aren’t always well balanced either. Because you have limited food and drink options for days, you may experience a lack of essential nutrients, and could wind up at risk for dangerous electrolyte imbalances.4,7
Because detox products are considered supplements, they’re not highly regulated. Some less reputable brands may be inaccurately labeled or their ingredients not thoroughly tested. Just be sure to choose a reputable brand that performs rigorous quality testing on its ingredients.2,7
Also use care if you have certain medical conditions. For instance, detox juices are often made from spinach, beets, and other foods rich in oxalate. Although oxalate is a naturally occurring substance, consuming large amounts of it can aggravate kidney problems.7
As for colon cleanses, large amounts of laxatives and herbal supplements can cause bloating, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. They can trigger severe diarrhea too, which is a fast track to dehydration.2,7
Balancing toxins in and out
Your body is designed to detoxify itself without assistance from cleansing protocols. Unfortunately, the everyday rate of exposure to toxins from so many environmental sources can make it pretty challenging for your body’s natural detoxification mechanisms to keep up.3,8
One of the best ways to help your body get rid of toxins is by taking care of your liver. Your liver is a key player in your body’s natural detoxification process. This organ takes up toxins and turns them into harmless substances, or ensures they’re released from your body.3,9
You can promote your liver health by eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can make you prone to a fatty liver — a precursor to liver disease. On top of that, if your body’s natural detoxification mechanisms do get overwhelmed, the excess toxins get stored in fat. This is one of the reasons drastic weight loss can be so unpleasant, due to the toxins being released by your fat cells.10,11
Your skin is naturally porous and absorbs toxins easily. Those toxins then have to be eliminated through another process, usually the liver. This is why it’s important to avoid using toxic cosmetics on your skin. Many people are surprised to discover how toxic their beauty products actually are. Choose products from manufacturers committed to using only natural, ideally organic ingredients in their products.12,13
And don’t forget your household cleaners! These toxic chemicals can enter your body through your skin or your lungs if you inhale the vapors. Choose natural cleaning products, or wear gloves and a mask if you need to use harsh chemicals to clean a nasty mess.13,14
Detoxes and cleanses can help you get a jumpstart on your New Year’s health goals, but it’s crucial to do them right. Your body already has several ways to eliminate toxins. You can support that process by minimizing your exposure to harmful substances found in processed and prepackaged foods, cosmetics, and household cleaners.
Feeling sluggish, bloated, or lacking energy? These could be signs your body needs a little extra help. With so many detox options available, it’s tough to know where to start. That’s where we come in.
Our personalized diet solutions are tailored to your unique needs and goals. We’ll help you optimize your diet with wholesome foods and targeted support, so you can feel your best. Sign up here to learn more and reclaim your vitality!
- New year detox - Explore - Google Trends
- Do Detox Diets and Cleanses Really Work?
- Should you detox your body? 4 myths about detoxing | MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Should you do a cleanse? | UCLA Health
- 15 benefits of drinking water and other water facts
- Detox Diets: Do They Work? Are They Healthy?
- “Detoxes” and “Cleanses”: What You Need To Know | NCCIH
- The Role of Public Health in Combating Environmental Toxins
- In brief: How does the liver work? - - NCBI Bookshelf
- Healthy Liver - 13 Tips on How to Have a Healthy Liver
- Toxicological Function of Adipose Tissue: Focus on Persistent Organic Pollutants - PMC
- 6 Ingredients to Avoid Putting on Your Skin
- Full Body Detox: 9 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Body
- Are Fumes From Everyday Household Products Dangerous? - Keck Medicine of USC