What is Metabolic Syndrome? abdominal obesity basic metabolic panel blood glucose blood pressure cholesterol diabetes diet fasting plasma glucose test fatty liver fructose glucose hdl heart disease high blood pressure high-fructose corn syrup insulin insulin resistance lifestyle changes lipid panel metabolic syndrome potassium sodium stroke sympathetic nervous system triglycerides type-2 diabetes vldl Jun 15, 2024

In the U.S., around one-third of adults have metabolic syndrome.1 Could you be one of them?

It’s important to find out if you have metabolic syndrome, given the many health complications it comes with. Here’s what you need to know:

  • What exactly is metabolic syndrome?
  • What are the...
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What Foods Lower Blood Sugar? aloe vera apple cider vinegar berberine bitter gourd blood glucose chromium cinnamon condiments fasting plasma glucose test fenugreek ginger gymnema hba1c test herbal supplements magnesium okra oral hypoglycemics prediabetes probiotics silymarin spices type-2 diabetes vegetables vitamin d Mar 23, 2024

Prescription drugs that lower blood glucose levels are commonly used to treat type-2 diabetes (T2D). But these medications can have side effects, which range from gut issues to liver and heart problems.1 

If you have T2D or are at risk of having it, here’s some good news: Several foods...

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What Is Insulin Resistance? blood glucose blood tests carbohydrates diabetes elimination diet fasting insulin test fasting plasma glucose test fatty acids fatty liver fructose glycemic index glycogen hba1c test high-fructose corn syrup homa-ir hormonal disorders insulin insulin resistance insulin sensitivity lifestyle changes liver cells medications oral glucose tolerance test pancreas physical activity prediabetes skeletal muscles white fat cells Mar 09, 2024

At least 1 in 3 American adults has insulin resistance — and often, they don’t know it.1 

Insulin resistance wreaks havoc on your health long before it’s diagnosed. It harms your brain, your eyes, your heart, your kidneys, and your other organs. And if that’s not bad...

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